In this issue of The Special Ed Advocate, we look at school culture, conflict, evaluations and evaluators, and offer tips for taking care of yourself. Download printer-friendly version of this newsletter To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change your email address, please follow the instructions at the end of this newsletter. The Special Ed Advocate is free - please forward this issue or the subscription link to your friends and colleagues so they can learn about special education law and advocacy too. Thanks! Flyers! Download a two-page flyer of free online newsletters and journals about education, special education and advocacy. 1.
Blame Game: Are School Problems the Kids' Fault? "Then we learned that Shannon had dyslexia and ADHD. Why didn't the school tell us? Why did they blame Shannon and us for her learning problems?" (Emory & Elaine Carter, Shannon Carter's parents) Many parents of special ed kids say that they are blamed, intimidated, and made to feel guilty by school personnel. Like Emory and Elaine Carter, these parents feel helpless, frustrated, and defensive. In "The
Blame Game," you learn the five reasons why kids have learning
and behavior problems, what school psychologists do not tell parents,
and what you can do about it. 2. School Culture & Conflict In Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, you learn about gatekeepers, special education teams, and one-size-fits-all programs (Chaper 4).
Learn why parent-school conflict is normal, predictable, and inevitable. You learn the most common reasons for conflict, and strategies you can use to resolve conflict (Chapter 6). If you
are like many parents, emotions are your Achilles heel. Learn how
routine problems can erupt into crises, common pitfalls, and steps
you can take in a crisis to improve the odds for a good outcome (Chapter
7). 3. Your Partners: The Independent Evaluator & Educational Consultant A private-sector psychologist, educational diagnostician, or consultant can help you develop appropriate goals for your child and measure your child's progress toward these goals. An evaluator or consultant may: * Teach
you about your childs disability and educational needs Learn about evaluators and educational consultants in Your Partners: Independent Evaluators and Educational Consultants. 4. Free Shipping & Autographed Books - Sale Ends Dec 20!
Order any Wrightslaw book and get free shipping - save $4.95! Wrightslaw
books make great gifts for friends, teachers, and child advocates!
Your autographed book will come in a special holiday gift box. Info
about special sale - Internet
Orders - Fax,
Phone & Mail Orders 5. Using an Expert as an Effective Resource by Jennifer Bollero, Esq. Why do parents need experts? How should parents choose experts? In "Using an Expert as an Effective Resource", attorney-author Jennifer Bollero explains why parents should rely on advice from trained professionals to make informed decisions about educational interventions. "No matter how knowledgeable they are about their disabled children, parents should rely on the opinions of trained professionals to help them make informed decisions about therapeutic and educational interventions." Learn why medical experts should advise parents to seek the best medical and therapeutic treatments - and why a request for the "best" education from the school is fatal - read article. Learn about tests, evaluations and assessments. Learn about accommodations, modifications and high-stakes tests. 6. Factors to Consider When Selecting an Expert by Rosemary Palmer, Esq. "When parents choose individuals to evaluate their child, many factors influence the decision-making process - convenience, license or credentials, reputation, insurance issues, office location, referral from a health care provider, recommendation by a friend, family or school employee - unfortunately, even ads in the yellow pages." "A professional license does not guarantee competence. How should parents approach the task of finding competent experts?" Learn about comprehensive evaluations, members of the evaluation team, provision and documentation of services in "Factors to Consider When Selecting an Expert" by parent attorney Rosemary Palmer. You will
find more articles about experts, evaluations, and evaluators in the
2002 issue of The Beacon. 7. Tips: Taking Care of Yourself
Pace yourself. Listen to tapes about time management. Use a schedule to gain control of your life. Spend time with friends or family to re-charge your batteries and regain a healthy perspective. Here are more tips for taking care of yourself and your family. 8. Join Pete & Pam - From Emotions to Advocacy Cruise II Do you want to learn more about special education law and advocacy? Do you want to network with others who share your interests? Do you want to have fun in the sun?
On Wednesday,
January 15, 2003, Pete and Pam Wright will do a full day of legal
and advocacy training at the Radisson Resort Hotel in Port Canaveral.
The seminar will focus on four areas: special education law, rights
and responsibilities; tests and measurements to measure progress &
regression; SMART IEPs; and tactics & strategies for effective
advocacy. * The program has been approved for 7 CLE credits * What is a FETA cruise like? Read the "inside story" of last year's cruise. 9. Subscription & Contact Info The Special Ed Advocate is a free online newsletter about special education legal and advocacy issues, cases, tactics and strategy, and Internet resources. Subscribers receive announcements and "alerts" about new cases, events, and special offers on Wrightslaw books. Subscribe Need Help? Visit the Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities. Link
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