
The Special Ed Advocate Newsletter
July 17, 2002

Issue - 171

ISSN: 1538-3202

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t Wrightslaw, we help you gain the information and skills you need to navigate the confusing world of special education.

Highlights: Secretary Paige issues report about teacher quality, cites need for changes in education & certification; answers to questions about the 8,652 failing schools; IDEA 2002 news - President's Commission issues report and recommendations; learning disabilities and early intervention; new "free pubs" for parents & school personnel; update on FETA Cruise II.

The Special Ed Advocate newsletter is free - please forward this issue or the subscription link to your friends and colleagues so they can learn about special education law and advocacy too. We appreciate your help!


Do you want to learn more about special education advocacy? Start a FETA Study Group?


1. The Facts About Teacher Training & Certification: Are We Destroying the Future, One Child at a Time?

The No Child Left Behind Act calls for highly qualified teachers — teachers who demonstrate subject knowledge and skills in reading, writing, mathematics and other basic subject areas — to be in place in every classroom by the end of the 2005-06 school year.

In June, U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige published the "Teacher Quality Report" and issued a call to action for states to transform their teacher certification systems. He wants states to raise standards and lower barriers that keep many highly qualified candidates from pursuing teaching careers.

Dr. Paige cited facts to support his claim that "The National report cards show we are destroying that future—one child at a time."

* Two out of three 4th graders cannot read proficiently.
* Seven out of 10 inner-city and rural 4th graders cannot read at the most basic level.
* Nearly one-third of college freshmen need remedial classes before they can handle entry level courses.
* 12th graders rank among the lowest in math and science of all industrialized nations.

Are you concerned about the quality of your child's education? Do you think teachers need to be better educated? Do you think teachers need ongoing training? Good!

In "The Facts About Teacher Training & Certification: Are We Destroying the Future, One Child at a Time?" we look at teacher training and certification programs. Learn about the findings of the Teacher Quality Report. Check your state's pass rates for teachers. Learn more about the No Child Left Behind Act.


2. Q & A: Failing Schools, "Reality" and the No Child Left Behind Act

Last week's article, 8,652 Failing Schools and The No Child Left Behind Act caused many folks to write.

The #1 question was "How can I get a list of the failing schools in my state?" Other people had questions about how these lists of failing schools were compiled.

A few people wrote to discuss inequities and request that we change the focus of our newsletters:

"We have more than our fair share of failing schools here in Chicago, about three percent of the 8,652 failing schools are Chicago. The Illinois State Legislature is prohibiting student transfers from failing Chicago Public Schools (CPS) to CPS magnet schools. In future newsletters, please look at the reality of the No Child Left Behind Act's provisions, not the theory."

For our answers to these questions and concerns, read Q & A: Failing Schools, "Reality" and the No Child Left Behind Act.


3. From Emotions to Advocacy Cruise II - January 15-20, 2003

Do you want to learn more about special education advocacy? Will you need a break from the winter doldrums by January?

Join Pete and Pam Wright on the From Emotions to Advocacy Cruise II - A Very Special Cruise Seminar and Fund-Raiser for Special Education.


On Wednesday, January 15, 2003 (the day before sailing), Pete and Pam Wright will conduct an advocacy training program at the Radisson Resort Hotel in Port Canaveral.

On Thursday, participants will board Carnival Cruise Lines' "Fantasy" for a three-day cruise to the Bahamas. The ship will leave Port Canaveral, Florida on Thursday, January 16 and return on Sunday, January 20, 2003.

For more information, visit the FETA Cruise Page at:


What can you expect on the From Emotions to Advocacy Cruise? Read The Inside Story of the 2002 FETA Cruise.


4. IDEA News! President's Commission on Excellence in Special Ed Issues Report

On July 9, 2002, the President's Commission on Excellence in Special Education issued its report, A New Era: Revitalizing Special Education for Children and their Families with findings and recommendations to improve the educational performance of students with disabilities.

The President's Commission made three main recommendations:

* Focus on results -- not on process;
* Embrace a model of prevention not a model of failure; and
* Consider children with disabilities as general education children first.

The Commission stressed the importance of:

* accountability for results,
* parental input, and
* efficient, compassionate ways to improve outcomes in school settings.

Learn more about A New Era: Revitalizing Special Education for Children and Their Families at:


5. More IDEA News - Learning Disabilities & Early Intervention Strategies: Reforming the Special Education Referral & Identification Process

On June 6, 2002, a Congressional committee held a hearing about "Learning Disabilities and Early Intervention Strategies: How to Reform the Special Education Referral and Identification Process."
This article includes a short summary of testimony by several experts during the hearing.

After you read
Learning Disabilities and Early Intervention Strategies, you will know who said:

"Does the education profession create instructional casualties by inadequately preparing both general education and special education teachers to address learning differences among children?


6. New Free Pubs: Good Teaching; Teaching Reading; Professional Development for Teachers & Principals; Special Ed Family Survey

Good Teaching Matters: How Well-Qualified Teachers Can Close the Gap (16 pages, pdf).

This report synthesizes recent research which shows that teachers are the single most significant factor related to student achievement. Using data from William Sanders, Ronald Ferguson and others who analyze the "value added" by teachers, author Kati Haycock argues that the best investment states and districts can make for poor and minority students is assuring a well-qualified teacher for every child.

Teaching Reading is Rocket Science: What Expert Teachers Should Know and Be Able to Do, American Federation of Teachers (36 pages, pdf).


"Reading is the fundamental skill upon which all formal instruction depends. Research shows that a child who doesn't learn the reading basics early is unlikely to learn them at all. Any child who doesn't learn to read early and well will not easily master other skills and knowledge and is unlikely to ever flourish in school or in life."

Public Agenda recently published results of a structured survey of more than 500 parents of special needs children entitled When It's Your Own Child: A Report on Special Education from the Families Who Use It.

What did they learn? About two-thirds of the parents gave their children's schools high marks for providing help; 43% said they had to fight to get services for their children; 16% have considered or threated to sue; one-third ranked their children's schools as 'fair' or 'poor' in providing help; nearly half of these parents did not think special education programs are preparing their children for the 'real world.'

Registered users can download this report until July 19, 2002.


After July 19, 2002, you can order print copies of When It's Your Own Child for $10, plus $2.00 shipping and handling. To order print copies, use the Public Agenda Order Form or call 212-686-6610.

Designing Powerful Professional Development for Teachers and Principals, National Staff Development Council (2002).

For most teachers and principals, professional development is unfocused, insufficient, and irrelevant to the day-to-day problems they face. This book focuses on ways to improve the quality of professional learning for school personnel. Download Instructions

Do you want to learn more about our Free Pubs? You'll find free books and publications on dozens of topics in our Free Pubs Library:


7. Subscription & Contact Info

The Special Ed Advocate is a free online newsletter about special education legal and advocacy issues, cases, tactics and strategy, and Internet resources. Subscribers receive announcements and "alerts" about new cases, events, and special offers on Wrightslaw books. 

To subscribe. Read back issues of Special Ed Advocate.

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Wrightslaw & The Special Ed Advocate
ISSN: 1538-3202
Pete and Pam Wright
P. O. Box 1008
Deltaville, VA 23043
Website: https://www.wrightslaw.com
Email: Webmaster

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