
The Special Ed Advocate Newsletter
April 1, 2002

Issue - 15
ISSN: 1538-3202

In this Issue

Frustrated? A Support Group Will Help

Power of One Flyer Campaign

Wrightslaw Game Plan for New Parents

Advocacy Advice: Power, Trust & Meetings

Pete & Pam Hit the Road - Training in SC, MD, ND and OK

Subscription & Contact Info




At Wrightslaw, our goals are to help you gain the information and skills you need to navigate the confusing world of special education. In this issue, we tackle high stakes testing. As school districts and states come under increased pressure to improve educational results, high stakes testing has emerged as a hot issue.

Highlights: Parents get help in FETA study groups; the "Power of One Flyer Campaign" as an antidote to negative feelings; Wrightslaw Game Plan for New Parents; advocacy advice about power, trust, meetings; Pete & Pam hit the road to SC, MD, ND, OK.

Subscribers as of April 1, 2002: 40,311

If you want to help others learn about special education law and advocacy, please download the Free Newsletters Flyer and the Wrightslaw flyer (in two formats - html and pdf)

Where can you distribute these flyers? At schools, public libraries, doctor's and psychologist's offices, hospitals, and day care centers.
Forward this newsletter or the subscription page to your friends. Together we can make a difference!

Ask that the Free Newsletter flyer be included in your school's newsletter too!

Frustrated? A Support Group Will Help

Your new book, "Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy," gave me direction. I realized that my concerns were justified, that I was not overreacting.

I also learned about the importance of parent support groups. After talking with frustrated, discouraged parents, I decided to start a self-help group for parents of children with special education needs.

My goal is to help parents gain the knowledge and skills they need to be effective advocates for their children. Parents can bring their problems to the group which can offer guidance about how to handle specific problems. Do you have any advice about how to start a group so parents can come together, learn information and skills, share concerns, and support each other?

Yes! For advice about how to start a FETA group, go to:


Power of One Flyer Campaign

If you are like many parents, you feel helpless and powerless. If you are thinking, "I'm just a parent - what can I do?" we hope you will participate in our "Power of One Flyer Campaign."

The Power of One Flyer Campaign has two purposes: (1) to educate others about special education law and advocacy, and (2) to act as a reality check and an antidote to negative feelings.

Learn how you can help thousands of other parents learn about special education advocacy.


Wrightslaw Game Plan for New Parents

Each week, we receive dozens of requests for help from new parents.

"My son is 8 years old and in the second grade. He is diagnosed with learning disabilities and ADHD. He is in a self- contained reading class because he cannot read or spell. Where do we start?"

"My 10 year daughter has been in special education classes for three years but she isn't learning. When we asked for more help, school staff said she was doing fine. What should I read to become a better advocate for my child"

Are you confused about special education? Overwhelmed? Not sure what you should learn first? You need a game plan that helps you focus on what is important. Download the "Wrightslaw Parent Advocate Game Plan" at:

URL: https://www.wrightslaw.com/advoc/articles/plan_new_parent.html

If you know other parents who are struggling, please forward this article to them!

Advocacy Advice: Power, Trust & Meetings

Parent advocate Pat Howey offers good advice about expectations, meetings, power struggles, and trusting the system to do what's right.

URL: https://www.wrightslaw.com/advoc/tips/howey_advice.htm

Pete & Pam Hit the Road - Training in SC, MD, ND and OK

On April 5 & 6, we will be in Columbia SC for a two-day intensive advocacy training program - Wrightslaw Boot Camp.

URL: https://www.wrightslaw.com/speak/sc.02.htm

On April 13, we do a full day of advocacy training in Montgomery Co, Maryland, just outside of DC (University of Maryland - Shady Grove). Learn more:

URL: https://www.wrightslaw.com/speak/md.02.htm

On April 26 & 27, we do a two-day Advocacy Boot Camp in Minot, North Dakota. This training is sponsored by Pathfinders Services of North Dakota. Learn more about the North Dakota conference:

URL: https://www.wrightslaw.com/speak/nd.02.htm

On Tuesday, May 7, we do a full day of advocacy training in Oklahoma City, OK. If you are an Oklahoma parent of a child with special needs, you can attend this program -- and get free books.

URL: https://www.wrightslaw.com/flyers/ok.2002.pdf

To learn when we will be in your area, please go to:

URL: https://www.wrightslaw.com/speak/index.htm

If you are interested in scheduling a Wrightslaw Training Program, read these FAQs:

URL: https://www.wrightslaw.com/speak/faqs.htm

Subscription & Contact Info

The Special Ed Advocate is a free online newsletter about special education legal and advocacy issues, cases, tactics and strategy, and Internet resources. Subscribers receive announcements and "alerts" about new cases, events, and special offers on Wrightslaw books. 

To subscribe. Read back issues of Special Ed Advocate.

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- More than 1,000 sites link to Wrightslaw. If you want to spread the word about special education advocacy, download a banner or image.

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To Wrightslaw

Wrightslaw & The Special Ed Advocate
ISSN: 1538-3202
Pete and Pam Wright
P. O. Box 1008
Deltaville, VA 23043
Website: https://www.wrightslaw.com
Email: Webmaster