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The Special Ed Advocate Newsletter January 21, 2002 |
goals are to help you gain the information and skills you need to navigate
the confusing world of special education. This issue of The Special
Ed Advocate focuses on parent advocacy.
Highlights: New articles about mistakes people make - parents and school systems; new advocacy articles on Fetaweb site; parent advocacy page on Wrightslaw site; update on IDEA 2002; Pete & Pam hit the road. Subscribers on January 21, 2002: 35,837 Download this Newsletter in html Are you feeling helpless and frustrated? Combat these negative feelings by helping others. How? Download, print and distribute the Wrightslaw flyer. Where? At schools, churches, day care centers, your pediatrician's and psychologist's offices! Still frustrated? Forward this newsletter or the subscription page to your friends. Together we can make a difference! Mistakes People Make - Parents Because
the stakes are high, it is hard for parents of children with special
educational needs to advocate calmly and objectively for the educational
and related services their children need. Don't shoot yourself in the
foot! Read Mistakes
People Make - Parents by parent attorney Bob Crabtree. Mistakes People Make - School Districts Why are parents angry? When school district staff take actions that undermine parents' trust, they create a climate that is costly in dollars, time, peace of mind, and the quality and success of services given to the child. Want to learn more? Read Mistakes School Districts Make by attorney Bob Crabtree. Parent Advocacy Page For
most parents, managing a child's special education program is daunting.
Good special education services are individualized, intensive and expensive.
Schools often balk at providing intensive services. What
can you do? Advocating for Your Child - Getting Started. Good special education services are intensive and expensive. Resources are limited. If you have a child with special needs, you may wind up battling the school district for the services your child needs. To prevail, you need information, skills, and tools. Asking
the Right Questions. How does the school perceive you? Good
article about how to ask questions and get better services. New Advocacy Articles on FetaWeb Site We continue
to add new articles, checklists, sample letters, charts, and resources
to FetaWeb.com, the companion
website to our new book, From
Emotions to Advocacy. If you
are a newcomer to special ed, learn the basics about advocacy, advocates,
and the need to plan in Getting
Started. IDEA 2002 Update On January 19, President Bush proposed to increase spending on IDEA by $1 billion. Bush said, "We want these new dollars to carry to special education the same spirit of reform and accountability we have brought to other education programs . . . We must have high expectations for children who are more difficult to teach or who have fallen behind." Read article. The Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) is scheduled to be reauthorized in 2002. If you are the parent of a child with a disability, you represent your child's interests. You need to stay informed about changes and proposed changes to the law that may affect your child. If you are a special ed service provider, the new law will affect you and your work. Visit the IDEA 2002 Page for news, progress reports, and other information about the reauthorization process. Pete & Pam Hit the Road in February & March Are you
interested in learning more about special education law and advocacy?
We hope to see you at one of these conferences. Feb 20, 2002. Cleveland, OH. Sponsors: Cuyahoga County Bar Association & Special Education Legal Services. Contact Bar Association at 216-621-5112 or Special Education Legal Services at 216-289-IDEA. Download flyer. February 23, 2002: Chicago, IL. Sponsor: Special Connections. This conference will be held at Niles North High School, 9800 N. Lawler Avenue, Skokie IL. For info, email Contact@special-connections.org or call 312-914-0591. March 2, 2002. Columbus, OH. Children's Hospital Education Center. For info, call 614-722-4949. March 8-9, 2001. Wrightslaw Boot Camp, Racine WI. Pending. To learn if we are scheduled to come to your area, check our Schedule. If you are interested in having the Wrights speak at a conference or event, please send a blank email to conferences@wrightslaw.com Subscription & Contact Info The Special Ed Advocate is a free online newsletter about special education legal and advocacy issues, cases, tactics and strategy, and Internet resources. Subscribers receive announcements and "alerts" about new cases, events, and special offers on Wrightslaw books. To
subscribe. Read back issues of Special
Ed Advocate.