
The Special Ed Advocate Newsletter
October 14, 2002

Issue - 172

ISSN: 1538-3202

In this Issue

Subscription & Contact Info



Dear $subst('Recip.FirstName'),

At Wrightslaw, our goals are to help you gain the information and skills you need to navigate the confusing world of special education. In this issue, we answer your requests year on the right foot.

Highlights: Identifying problems, devising solutions; new service - Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities; flyers for your state; listings on Yellow pages;

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The Special Ed Advocate newsletter is free - please forward this issue or the subscription link to your friends and colleagues so they can learn about special education law and advocacy too. We appreciate your help!


1. Isolation & Lack of Information: Problems . . . and Solutions

What is the #1 question people send Wrightlaw.com and Fetaweb.com?

"Help, I need an expert to evaluate my child and advise the school about my child's needs. Please send me the names of good evaluators in my town."


"Help, we are having terrible problems with our school district and need an advocate / attorney. If you cannot help us, please send names of advocates / attorneys in my area."

Because we do not know evalutors, advocates, attorneys around the country, we were unable to offer much help.

We continued to think about these problems, we came to some conclusions:

1 Most parents do not know where to turn for help - where to find an experienced evaluator, therapist, advocate, etc.

2. Many disabilities organizations do not recommend evaluators and providers because they are worried about conflict of interest and afraid they may alienate members or potential members.

3. "There is strength in numbers." Generally, large groups have more power than small groups.

4. Parents of kids with different disabilities are not connected. Parents of kids with autism, hearing impairments, learning disabilities, Down Syndrome, etc. seem to live on different islands. People who live on islands are often unaware of and /or mistrustful of people who live on other islands.

Our Solution

We decided life would be a little easier if parents and others who work with disabled children could visit one place to find help. A helpful place should provide information to families of children with all disabilities.

So we built the Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities.


2. Need Help? Visit Your State Yellow Pages on Fetaweb.comAlabama (AL)

We built the Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities so you can get reliable information and support.

When you check your state Yellow Pages, you will find many different resources - government programs, grassroots organizations, and support groups. You will also find evaluators, therapists, tutors, special ed schools, and parent support groups.

Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities: http://www.fetaweb.com/help/states.htm

States A-M States N-W
Alaska (AK)
American Samoa
Arizona (AZ)
Arkansas (AR)
California (CA)
Colorado (CO)
Connecticut (CT)
Delaware (DE)
District of Columbia (DC)
Florida (FL)
Georgia (GA)
Hawaii (HI)
Idaho (ID)
Illinois (IL)
Indiana (IN)
Iowa (IA)
Kansas (KS)
Kentucky (KY)
Louisiana (LA)
Maine (ME)
Maryland (MD)
Massachusetts (MA)
Michigan (MI)
Minnesota (MN)
Mississippi (MS)
Missouri (MO)
Montana (MT)

Nebraska (NE)
Nevada (NV)
New Hampshire (NH)
New Jersey (NJ)
New Mexico (NM)
New York (NY)
North Carolina (NC)
North Dakota (ND)
Ohio (OH)
Oklahoma (OK)
Oregon (OR)
Pennsylvania (PA)
Puerto Rico (P.R.)
Rhode Island (RI)
South Carolina (SC)
South Dakota (SD)
Tennessee (TN)
Texas (TX)
Utah (UT)
Vermont (VT)
Virginia (VA)
Virgin Islands (V.I.)
Washington (WA)
West Virginia (WV)
Wisconsin (WI)
Wyoming (WY)
Northern Marianas Island

If you have trouble with the link to your state page, go to the main page for the Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities at http://www.fetaweb.com/help/states.htm

3. Flyers for Your State Yellow Pages

We are building great Yellow Pages for each state. But the Yellow Pages won't help unless people know about them - so we need your help.

To get the word out about the state Yellow Pages, we designed flyers for each state.


Here are some ideas about where to distribute your state Yellow Pages Flyer:

Distribute flyers at schools, day care centers, public libraries, doctor's and psychologist's offices, community centers, and hospitals.

Ask your school, public library, day care center, and support group to post your state flyer on their bulletin boards and websites. Ask your PTA or SELPA to distribute the flyer at meetings.

Ask your child's teacher to post your state Yellow Pages flyer in the teacher's lounge and guidance office.

Forward flyers to your friends and family members who live in other states (complete list).

These flyers are designed to be posted on websites.

Ask the school to include the flyer in your school newspaper too!

You can access all state flyers from this page: http://www.fetaweb.com/help/state.flyers.htm

4. Yellow Pages Listings

If you provide a service to parents and want to be listed in your state Yellow Pages, you may be eligible for a free listing in the Yellow Pages.

We are accepting applications from evaluators, educational consultants, educational diagnosticians, academic tutors, advocates, attorneys, special ed schools, and others who help parents get services for their children.

The Yellow Pages are a free service - there is no charge to be listed.

To learn how you can be listed,
send us an email. You will receive a response by email with specific instructions about how to request a listing.

5. Fund Raising? Planning a Conference or Training Program? 50% discount on Wrightslaw Books

Are you planning a conference? A training program for parents or teachers?

Harbor House Law Press
offers a special 50% discount on bulk orders of Wrightslaw books from advocacy organizations and individuals who provide advocacy training and/or training. This discount is available for boxes of 20 books, 40 books, 60 books, etc. (minimum order is 20 books).

Deeper discounts are available on larger purchases:
Buy 3 boxes (60 books), get free shipping
Buy 4 boxes (80 books), get another box (20 books) free.

Sell Wrightslaw books is a great way to win friends and earn money.

Learn about the Advocacy Challenge Discount:


7. Subscription & Contact Info

The Special Ed Advocate is a free online newsletter about special education legal and advocacy issues, cases, tactics and strategy, and Internet resources. Subscribers receive announcements and "alerts" about new cases, events, and special offers on Wrightslaw books. 

To subscribe: https://www.wrightslaw.com/subscribe.htm

Back issues: https://www.wrightslaw.com/archives.htm

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Wrightslaw & The Special Ed Advocate
ISSN: 1538-3202
Pete and Pam Wright
P. O. Box 1008
Deltaville, VA 23043
Website: https://www.wrightslaw.com
Email: Webmaster

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