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Newsletter Archives 2002

You are in the 2002 Newsletter Archives. These links will take you to newsletters published between 1998-2001.

January 3, 2002, Issue 146 A Message from the Editor, Suspensions, Expulsions and IEPs by Robert Crabtree, Esq., Behavior Problems: What Schools Are Obligated To Do by Pete Wright, Functional Behavior Assessments & Behavior Intervention Plans, Free Books & Newsletters, New Topics Pages.

Alert - January 7, 2002 How Shannon Carter Changed Special Ed.

January 9, 2002, Issue 147 Message from the Editor, Help! My Child is in Trouble!, Prevention Research, New Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities, Spring 2002 Schedule, What is Boot Camp?, Impact of New Decision from U. S. Supreme Court.

January 14, 2002, Issue 148 Message from the Editor, Are Children with ADD/ADHD Eligible for Special Ed Services?, Section 504 and ADD/ADHD, Discipline & ADD/ADHD Child by Pete Wright, ADD: Developmental, Parenting, Treatment Issues by Pam Wright, Reinventing Our Schools by Thom Hartmann, ADD/ADHD Topics Page, Good Books about ADD/ADHD, Spring 2002 Schedule.

January 21, 2002, Issue 149 Mistakes Parents Make, Mistakes Schools Make, Parent Advocacy Page, New Advocacy Articles on FetaWeb, IDEA 2002 Update, Pete & Pam Hit the Road.

January 28, 2002, Issue 150 Support for School Personnel & Parent Training in the IEP, IEP Meetings: Play Hearts, Not Poker, Tip: How to Use a Parent IEP Attachment, IEP Resources Page, Editor's Choice: Great Books about IEPs, SMART IEPs and More: Lincoln, NE.

February 4, 2002, Issue 151 From Emotions to Advocacy Cruise: The Inside Story, Autism: Science v. Innovation, Fighting to Retain Status Quo, TEACCH v. ABA Debate, Free Autism Newsletter, Editor's Choice: Autism ,Autism Info Page, Pete & Pam in Cleveland & Chicago

February 13, 2002, Issue 152 What Does "No Child Left Behind" Mean for You?, Speak Up! Your Chance to Be Heard!, Editor's Choice: Left Back - Failed School Reform, Free Pub - Minority Students, Pete & Pam to Cleveland & Chicago.

February 18, 2002, Issue 153 Internet Survey, IDEA 2002: Accountability, Achievement, Enforcement, Cool Stuff! More Free Newsletters, New Flyer - Free Newsletters, Editor's Choice: The OASIS Guide to Asperger Syndome, What People Are Saying About FETA, Pete & Pam in Chicago on Feb 23 & Columbus, OH on March 2.

Alert - February 28, 2002 Thank You Sale - Super Deals From Wrightslaw Through March 15 !

March 4, 2002, Issue 155 Help My Child's Rights Are Being Violated - How Can I Get Services?, Advocating For Your Child - Getting Started, Emergency! Crisis! Help! ,More Resources & Help At, New Yellow Pages For Kids With Disabilities, New Issue Of Beacon Coming Soon, Buy 2 Books, Save $15 Sale Continues.

March 11, 2002, Issue 156 High Stakes Testing: IDEA, Section 504 & Kids with Disabilities, Federal Judge Issues Injunction in CA High Stakes Testing Case, Success Story: Why Kids With Disabilities Should Take High Stakes Tests - One Parent's View, Free Pub: Do No Harm, Upgrades of Wrightslaw Site: Navigation System, Viewing Problems, Join Pete & Pam in Columbia, SC - April 5-6, Sale Ends March 15.

Alert - March 20, 2002 Wrightslaw Boot Camp in Columbia, SC

March 28, 2002, Issue 157 New decision about unilateral graduation, regression and compensatory education; Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates; Evans v. Rhinebeck provides a roadmap to FAPE; learn about FAPE; FAQs about FETA; Pete & Pam travel to SC, MD, ND

April 2, 2002, Issue 158 From the Editor, Start a FETA Group, Advocacy Campaign, Game Plan for New Parents, Advice, How to find a Consultant, Advocate or Attorney, Training in SC, MD, ND, OK, CA, IL

April 9, 2002, Issue 159. Reauthorizing IDEA (IDEA 2002); IDEA Hearings Begin; IDEA 2002 Resources; IDEA Rapid Response Network; Additions to Free Pubs Library; Pete & Pam Go West - Training Programs in Minot, North Dakota; Oklahoma City; Sacramento, CA

Alert - April 15, 2002 Important Message From Wrightslaw

April 16, 2002, Issue 160 Isn't Inclusion a Child's Right?, LRE, Mainstreaming, Inclusion, FAPE, New Topics Pages, Prepare for a Due Process Hearing, IDEA Hearing - April 18, 2002, Advocacy Training Programs - SOLD OUT!, Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities - SC & MD

Alert - April 18, 2002 Alert! Our Response to article in New York Times, "Rich Disabled Pupils Go to Private Schools at Public Expense"

April 23, 2002, Issue 161 Extended School Year (ESY), Experts & Expert Witnesses; Using an Expert as a Resource; News from IDEA Reauthorization Hearings; New Yellow Pages - AL, AK, GA, NC, NJ, OK, WA; Help on; Advocacy Training Schedule

April 29, 2002, Issue 162.
What is your IEP IQ? - take our quiz and find out; frequently asked questions about IEPs; practical and legal guidance about your child's IEP; facts about retention; caselaw about IEPs; editor's choice - good books about IEPs; advocacy training schedule.

May 6, 2002, Issue 163. Learn how to write IEP goals & objectives; how to revise the IEP; long-term planning and your child's IEP; who is responsible for providing an appropriate IEP; support for parents & teachers in the IEP; help in From Emotions to Advocacy; IDEA 2002 news.

May 15, 2002, Issue 164. Why parents cannot ask for what's 'best'; how to use tactics & strategies in IEPs; how to use a parent attachment; retention & social promotion; FAPE & IEPs; new Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities; advocacy training schedule.

May 22, 2002, Issue 165. Play Hearts, Not Poker: 8 Steps to Better IEP Meetings; IEP tutorials - how to write measurable IEP goals and objectives; IEP checklists; good cases about IEPs; good books about IEPs; advocacy training schedule.

May 29, 2002, Issue 166. How to use tactics & strategies in IEP meetings; how to use follow-up letters to get answers to your questions; book reviewers love FETA; more good cases about IEPs; transition statements in IEPs; free pubs about IEPs and transition.

June 6, 2002, Issue 167. Mistakes people make - parents and school personnel; how parents can get info about teacher qualifications; more help from the No Child Left Behind Act; FAQs, fact sheets, free newsletter, Parent Tool Box.

June 12, 2002, Issue 168. Strategies for success - how one parent used school's test scores to get an ABA program; searching for successful strategies; Congress wants your Great IDEAs about IDEA 2002; people love FETA; advocacy training in Orlando; free pubs about IEPs and transition.

June 25, 2002, Issue 169. Advocating for your child - getting started; strategies for success - how to get services by asking questions; join Pete & Pam on the From Emotions to Advocacy Cruise II; mistakes people make - parents, school districts, advocates, evaluators; more great reviews of the FETA book.

July 10, 2002, Issue 170.
Kids from 8,652 failing schools can transfer to better schools this fall - what to do if your child's school is on "The List"; learning about the No Child Left Behind Act; Wall Street Journal recommends Wrightslaw; help for college kids with disabilities; accommodations & waivers for college students; new Yellow Pages for Illinois, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, and Vermont.

July 17, 2002, Issue 171. Report about teacher quality, education, certification; we answer your questions about the 8,652 failing schools and No Child Left Behind Act; FETA Cruise II; IDEA 2002 news - President's Commission issues report and recommendations; learning disabilities and early intervention; new "free pubs" for parents & school personnel.

July 23, 2002, Issue 172. New success story - "How I Got 140 Hours of Compensatory Ed for My Son"; more Success Stories on; new case about damages under Section 504 and ADA; learn about damages, discrimination, and Section 504; download new flyer for college students with disabilities.

August 5, 2002, Issue 173. New success story - "How I got the school to change my child's program and placement"; NCLB Act - schools must measure progress & report progress to parents; free shipping & discounts; employment law protections for parents of disabled and sick children; advocacy training in Richmond; glossaries of special ed legal and assessment terms; Special Education Practice in Virginia CLE.

August 13, 2002, Issue 174. Advocating for Your Child - Getting Started; Advocacy 101: documents, records and paper trails; free shipping & discounts; how to disagree with the IEP team without starting WW III; links to resource directories for kids with disabilities; how to find an educational consultant, advocate or attorney; advocacy training in Richmond Virginia; CLE - Special Ed Practice in VA.

August 22, 2002, Issue 175. Wrightslaw game plan for new parents; paper chase - managing your child's documents; power struggles - meetings and follow-up letters; help for college kids flyer; learning to negotiate as part of the advocacy process; advocacy training in Richmond; free pubs about learning disabilities, bullying, paraeducators, and the No Child Left Behind Act.

August 28, 2002, Issue 176. Section 504 accommodations in after-school programs; judge orders day care center to re-admit child with autism, train staff; high marks for; learn about Section 504, ADA, damages; free pubs about IDEA, reading, paraprofessionals; From Emotions to Advocacy Cruise II; info about advocacy training programs.

September 3, 2002, Issue 177. Letter writing strategies - how to use letters, logs, calendars and journals; how to use storytelling to persuade; the original "Letter to the Stranger," other Letters to the Stranger from cases; more resources about letters, documents, and paper trails; advocacy training in Richmond, VA.

September 12, 2002, Issue 178. Do you know your IEP IQ - take our quiz to find out; Writing IEPs for Success by Barbara Bateman; IEP resources - articles, cases, free pubs, more; accommodations and modifications; IEP checklists; editor's choice - good books about IEPs.

September 18, 2002, Issue 179. A Parent's Guide to No Child Left Behind; using tests to measure progress & reporting results to parents, teacher training and certification; No Child Left Behind fact sheets & newsletter; transition services and your child's IEP; advocacy training programs are sold out!

September 26, 2002, Issue 180. What you should know about evaluations; tests and measurements for parents, educators, advocates and attorneys; 50% discount on Wrightslaw books; how high are high-stakes tests - a student's perspective; high-stakes lawsuit filed in Mass, other lawsuits suits in CA, OR, IN;

October 8, 2002, Issue 181. Parent's Guide to No Child Left Behind; new case - parent reimbursed as ABA therapy provider; From Emotions to Advocacy gets great reviews; autism and ABA therapy caselaw; myths and realities about testing; Pete & Pam's schedule for Fall 2002.

October 15, 2002, Issue 182. Parents need help, problems from isolation and lack of information; new service - Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities; flyers for your state Yellow Pages; listings on the Yellow Pages; fund-raising and discounts on books.

October 21, 2002, Issue 183. Special education eligibility under IDEA; evaluations under Section 504; Thom Hartmann makes a case for reinventing our schools; new decision from 9th Circuit provides relief to parents; ADD/ADHD topics page; Fall 2002 schedule; cool books about ADD/ADHD.

October 29, 2002, Issue 184. Special ed advocacy - nine rules of thumb by Bob Crabtree; landmark case about child find and damages; passing grades, IQ scores, LD evaluation requirements, and eligibility questions; help from your state Yellow Pages; new Free Pub - No Child Left Behind Deskbook; functional behavior assessments.

November 6, 2002, Issue 185. States lower the bar of expectations; is it legal to send special ed kids home early; child with 504 plan is failing, school won't evaluate; Section 504 accommodations & after school programs; EducationNews; Section 504, discrimination, damages; transition for college students; help for college students with disabilities.

November 13, 2002, Issue 187. When parents & schools disagree - advice from an independent educational consultant; advocating for your child - getting started; learn how to advocate - start a FETA group; help from the Yellow Pages; mistakes people make - parents, schools, advocates, independent evaluators; how to put on a special education case; two-day boot camp in Oklahoma City.

November 18, 2002 Issue 188. Resolving disputes by negotiation, mediation or litigation; mediation and negotiation strategies; 8 steps to better IEP meetings; how to disagree with the school without starting WW III; how to get services by asking (the right) questions; help from Yellow Pages for Kids.

Alert - November 27, 2002. Join Pete & Pam in OK for a two ay Boot Camp.

Alert - November 29, 2002. Holiday sale from Wrightslaw - Free Shipping - Save $4.95.

December 2, 2002, Issue 189. Message from the Editor, Tests & Measurements for the Parent, Educator, Advocate, & Attorney, Educational Progress Graphs, Glossary of Assessment Terms, Savings & Free Shipping - Wrightslaw Holiday Sale, No Child Left Behind - Final Regulations, Parent's Guide to No Child Left Behind, Oklahoma Boot Camp & FETA Cruise to Bahamas.

December 10, 2002, Issue 190. Pete Wright is one of the Lucky Ones, Parent Tips: Visiting the School, Free Shipping & Autographed Books - Sale Ends Dec 20 ,The Art of Writing Letters, Sample Letters in FETA Book, Writing a "Letter to the Stranger", More About Paper Trails, Letters & Documents.

December 16, 2002, Issue 191. School culture, evaluations and evaluators, and offer tips for taking care of yourself.

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