
The Special Ed Advocate Newsletter
August 7, 2001

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Issue: 125
ISSN: 1538-3202

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Highlights: This issue focuses on tests and educational progress. Learn about falling IQ scores; the Matthew Effect; how parents can negotiate with the school; summer sale ends August 15.

Subscribers as August 6, 2001: 28,001

1. My child's IQ Scores are falling - What does this mean?

"Have you heard of a child's IQ dropping? This is happening to my son and I'm concerned about it. On the most recent evaluation, his Full Scale IQ dropped by 9 points! On his report cards, he gets average grades. We are told that is doing "just fine".

What do you think? Is this child doing fine? Find out from Wrightslaw

2. What is the "Matthew Effect?

When children fail at early reading and writing, they begin to dislike reading. They read less than their classmates who are stronger readers. They do not gain vocabulary or knowledge. In short, the word-rich get richer, while the word-poor get poorer.

For children with disabilities in the primary grades, reading and writing failure is pervasive. Nearly all children who are identified as having a disability have reading and writing difficulties.

The "Matthew Effect" is a term coined by Keith Stanovich, a psychologist who has done extensive research on reading and language disabilities. The "Matthew Effect" refers to the idea that in reading (as in other areas of life), the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

3. What can a parent do when the school balks?

How can a parent determine what kind of program a child needs? How can a parent get the school to provide an appropriate program? What can a parent do if the teacher is not adequately trained?

Get answers to these questions at the Wrightslaw site!

4. New Assessment page - Links to articles, Free publications

We are continuing to organize information on the Wrightslaw site by topic. Our newest topic page is about Assessment, Evaluations, and High-Stakes Testing.

Parents must learn about tests and measurements - if you do not learn how to track your child's progress, you cannot be an equal participant in planning your child's special education program.

Read our article about tests and measurements, then view a slide show that will show you how to create educational progress graphs. Get free publications about assessment and high stakes testing and more . . .






Master Topics Page

5. Summer Sale ends August 15 - Do you have your E-book?

Is your child's file organized? Do you know how to write "Letters to the Stranger"? Do you know how to ask 5 W's + H + E questions?

Are your emotions under control? Do you understand school culture? Do you know how to negotiate?

Order the e-book (electronic) version of our TACTICS & STRATEGY MANUAL for just $11.95! The TACTICS & STRATEGY MANUAL teaches you to anticipate problems, manage conflict, and avoid crises.

Don't procrastinate - the sale ends on August 15!

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Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 3rd Edition by Pete and Pam Wright
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Wrightslaw: All About IEPs
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Wrightslaw: All About Tests and Assessments
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Surviving Due Process: Stephen Jeffers v. School Board
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