
The Special Ed Advocate Newsletter
July 25, 2001

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Issue: 122
ISSN: 1538-3202

The Special Ed Advocate newsletter
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Highlights: New resource directories help you spend time learning, not searching; new article "Why Not the Best?"; new journal about special education law and practice.

Subscribers as of July 25, 2001: 27,459

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1. One-Stop Shopping: New Resource Directories

Overwhelmed and overloaded?

One big obstacle in advocating for a child with a disability is finding the time to do research on different issues. You need to learn about your child's disability, your rights and responsibilities, and how to be an effective advocate.

We spent hours collecting information so you can spend your time learning, not searching.

Learn About Your Child's Disability

To learn about your child's disability and effective educational methods, use our Directory of Organizations and Information Groups. These groups will help you get educated.

Get Your State Special Ed Regs

You need to get your state special education regulations. You also want information published by your state department of education about special education, IEPs, and parent advocacy. Where do you start? Check our Directory of State Departments of Education.

NOTE: We do not have web addresses for all state departments of education. If you can help us fill in the blanks, please send the link to your state department of education to links@wrightslaw.com

In the Subject Line of your email, write your state in ALL CAPS (i.e., VA, NJ, CA)

Learn How to Advocate

To learn about parent training in your state, use our Directory of Parent Training Information Centers.

Learn About Legal and Advocacy Issues

Use our Directory of Legal and Advocacy Resources to learn about special education topics. The resources on this page will help you find an attorney or advocate in your area:

Getting Help Page

To have all these directories at your fingertips, bookmark our Getting Help page -

HELP US: Addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses change often. If you learn that an organization has new contact information, please send an email with the correct information to links@wrightslaw.com

2. "Why not the best?" - Four Lessons About FAPE

We receive many questions from parents about how to get the BEST program for their child or a program that maximizes the child's potential. Is your child entitled to the best program? Is your child entitled to a program that maximizes the child's potential?

For answers to these questions -- and "Four Lessons About FAPE," read our new article, "Loving Parents Want What's Best for Their Child"

Visit the following pages to learn more about your child's rights:


IEP Page

Topics, A-Z

3. Heads up! New Journal about Special Education Law and Practice

Harbor House Law Press will soon publish the first issue of "The Beacon: The Journal of Special Education Law and Practice."

The Beacon will provide a forum for practicing attorneys and advocates to exchange information. To our knowledge, The Beacon is the first journal published exclusively for parent attorneys and advocates. The first issue of The Beacon focuses on mediation and negotiation in special education cases.

If you would like to subscribe to The Beacon, go to the Harbor House

Use the subscribe box on the left side of the page.

To learn more about The Beacon

Subscription Information

The Special Ed Advocate is a free online newsletter about special education legal and advocacy issues, cases, tactics and strategy, and Internet resources.

Subscribers receive announcements and "alerts" about new cases, events, and special offers on Wrightslaw books.

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Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 3rd Edition by Pete and Pam Wright
About the Book

To Order

Wrightslaw: All About IEPs
About the Book

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Wrightslaw: All About Tests and Assessments
About the Book

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Surviving Due Process: Stephen Jeffers v. School Board
About the DVD Video

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