
The Special Ed Advocate Newsletter
April 16, 2001

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Issue: 110
ISSN: 1538-3202

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1. New Book News!

"Hi, I haven't received a newsletter from you recently -- am I still on your list? Keep up the good work!"

Yes, you are on the newsletter list. And you are right - The Special Ed Advocate newsletter has been published less frequently. Over the past several months, we have worked to complete our new book, the Wrightslaw Guide to Special Education Advocacy. 

This week, the Wrightslaw Guide to Special Education Advocacy is being edited by peer reviewers. Based on their suggestions, we will make corrections and revisions. Within a few weeks, the book will go to an award-winning designer for the cover and layout. 

When the book goes to the printer, we will send you an announcement and a special pre-publication offer. Please check your email box for updates about this new book -- it's a winner!


2. The Parent Advocate Game Plan

Each week, we receive dozens of requests for help from new parents. 

“All of this is new to us - special education and the Internet. A friend told us about your site – this is why I’m writing you. What information should I read to become a better advocate for our son?” 
“My son is 8 years old and in the second grade. He is diagnosed with learning disabilities and ADHD. He is in a self- contained reading class because he cannot read or spell. Where do we start?” 

“Although my daughter has been receiving special education services for a year and a half, her progress is minimal. We asked for additional services but are not optimistic.” 

Are you confused about special education? Overwhelmed? Not sure what you should learn first? You need a game plan that will help you focus on what is important. Get the Wrightslaw Game Plan for Parents.

If you know other parents who are struggling, please forward this Game Plan to them!


3. Advocacy Advice: Power, Trust, School Meetings 

Parent advocate Pat Howey gives parents good advice about expectations, meetings, power struggles, and trusting the system to do what's right. Read this article.


4. Wrightslaw Schedule: Monterey, CA; Washington, DC; Columbia, SC 

Here is where we will be speaking in April and May: 

April 19-21, 2001. Fifth Annual NLD Symposium, Monterey, California

Keynote: "Effective Special Education Advocacy: Use Tactics and Strategies to Get Services and Resolve Disputes"

Conference schedule, registration, speakers

April 26-27, 2001. The Power of One Conference & Rally, Washington, DC 

Conference and rally information

May 4-5, 2001. Special Education Law and Advocacy, Columbia, South Carolina

Please join Pete and Pam Wright for two days of legal and advocacy training in Columbia, South Carolina. This training is sponsored by ProParents of South Carolina and the South Carolina Autism Society. Participants will receive Wrightslaw: Special Education Law! 

Get the agenda and detailed information about this 2-day conference (in pdf).

Check the  Wrightslaw schedule

5. Subscription & Contact Information

The Special Ed Advocate is a free online newsletter about special education legal and advocacy issues, cases, tactics and strategy, and Internet resources. Subscribers receive announcements and "alerts" about new cases, events, and special offers on Wrightslaw books.

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Pete and Pam Wright

c/o The Special Ed Advocate
P. O. Box 1008

Deltaville, VA 23043

Web site: https://www.wrightslaw.com
email: webmaster@wrightslaw.com

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