
The Special Ed Advocate Newsletter
January 10, 2001

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Issue: 99
ISSN: 1538-3202

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1. New Case: Day Care Center Ordered to Re-Admit Child, Train Staff

In last week's newsletter about the special ed teachers who sued their principal, we discussed the balancing" of competing and conflicting interests: Dr. Fales' right to freedom of speech, the school administrator's "right" to run a school free of disruption, and children's rights under IDEA.

The Fales case involved three trail blazing special education teachers who caused the door to this type of litigation to open.

On January 3, a door opened wider for young children with disabilities who are excluded from day care centers in Jordan Burriola v. Greater Toledo YMCA. Like Fales, "balancing" was a factor in Burriola.

In Burriola, the Court was asked to issue an injunction against the YMCA and order the daycare center to reinstate Jordan. In a scathing opinion, the Court issued a strong Order on behalf of Jordan.

Read Pete's analysis, meet Jordan's attorney, and get links to this important decision

2. Thank You- Help Get the Word Out !

What are people saying about Wrightslaw and The Special Ed Advocate?

"Your website is an oasis of knowledge about special ed law. We will come back again and again, until we have swallowed enough information to establish a useful IEP program for our daughter. Thank you!"

"As a parent of LD children, I am lucky to have found this site. Every time I click on, I learn something new, some new twist to ed law. Thank you for the hard work you put into this web site."

"I am a retired teacher who owns an education consulting service. Your site is a God-send! It has valuable info that I, among many, can use. Keep up the good work!"

"I talked to the director of our disabilities rights center and a respected advocate. They didn't know that you published an important case from our state on your site. They didn't know about the Special Ed Advocate Newsletter. They said they will subscribe - if only to learn what parents are learning on the web!"

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We think this is a great idea! Our goal with Wrightslaw and The Special Ed Advocate newsletter is to empower parents, teachers, special ed services providers, family members by providing them with accurate information. For these reasons, the Special Ed Advocate newsletter and the Wrightslaw site are free to all.

Please help us get word out to people who are interested in special education, advocacy, and disabilities issues. Forward or print copies of the "Get the Word Out" page to share with others.

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3. 50% Off? Big Discounts in Advocacy Challange Program

Did you know that Harbor House Law Press offers big discounts to advocacy groups and organizations?

Organizations that teach advocacy or provide advocacy training through conferences or meetings can order WRIGHTSLAW: SPECIAL EDUCATION LAW in units of 20 books at half price. For more information about the Advocacy Challenge Program please visit our website

4. New Links in Special Ed Teachers Suit

We have updated the links in Fales v. Garst, the special ed teachers suit against their principal.

Pete's Analysis

Decision in pdf

Decision in Word


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Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 3rd Edition by Pete and Pam Wright
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Wrightslaw: All About IEPs
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Wrightslaw: All About Tests and Assessments
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Surviving Due Process: Stephen Jeffers v. School Board
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