
The Special Ed Advocate Newsletter
September 12, 2000

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Issue - 86

ISSN: 1538-3202

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1. Pete and Pam Wright To Speak in Long Island (October 13 & 14, 2000)

On October 13 and October 14, Pete and Pam Wright will speak at two conferences in Long Island about special education law and advocacy. These conferences are being sponsored by The Long Island Advocacy Center, Inc and the Nassau Coordinating Council of Special Education PTAs. 

Topics will include: 

LRE/Access to general curriculum; avoiding due process hearings while securing quality services; use of State Education Complaint Procedures; private sector evaluations and consultants, their use and input in the IEP process; case law affecting children in New York; legal requirements affecting staff and teacher training; law in regard to eligibility, prior written notice, IEPs, procedural safeguards, private school placements.

* FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2000 *

The theme of Friday's conference is "Meeting the Challenge: Legal Issues involved in Educating Students with Disabilities in a General Education Setting." This conference will be held at the Wyndham Wind Watch,  Hauppauge, Long Island. For more information about Friday's conference, contact Linda Wain at the Long Island Advocacy Center at (516) 248-2222, Ext. 102.

* SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2000 *

The theme of Saturday's conference is "When Schools Say No! Parents Rights To Access Quality Education in a General Education Setting For Students With Disabilities." The Saturday conference will be held at Brookside School in North Merrick, Long Island. For more information about this conference, contact Mary DeSetta at NCSEPTA (516) 374-5223.

For information about both conferences.


You can download the brochure for "Meeting the Challenge: Legal Issues involved in Educating Students with Disabilities in a General Education Setting

You can download the brochure for "When Schools Say No! Parents Rights To Access Quality Education in a General Education Setting For Students With Disabilities".

You can get information at the Coordinating Council's webpage. 

These conferences are held in cooperation with: 

* Disabilities Planning Council 
* Long Island SAFE 
* New York Education Department, Office of VESID 
* New York Bar Foundation 

We hope to see you in Long Island! 

2. Creative Solutions Contest - Time to Vote!

On August 28, 2000, we published an issue of  THE SPECIAL ED ADVOCATE and announced the new WRIGHTSLAW "CREATIVE SOLUTIONS CONTEST."

The Problem is described in a letter from a distressed teacher: "How can people who work in the system do the right thing and advocate for our children -- without losing our jobs?"

We received dozens of different, creative, interesting solutions. Because the Solutions files were long, we edited the Solutions to make it easier for you to download and read them. Today, we published all Creative Solutions on the Wrightslaw site. Now it's time for you to vote. Read the Solutions (link below) and send us your vote by 12 noon, Wednesday, September 20, 2000. You'll find details about how to vote on the Solutions page.

Read the Solutions in html.

Download the Solutions in pdf.


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Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 3rd Edition by Pete and Pam Wright
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Wrightslaw: All About IEPs
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Wrightslaw: All About Tests and Assessments
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Surviving Due Process: Stephen Jeffers v. School Board
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