
The Special Ed Advocate Newsletter
September 9, 1999

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Issue - 42

ISSN: 1538-3202

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1. New! "Creative Solutions Contest" From Wrightslaw

2. New Letters To Wrightslaw

3. Revising"Letters To Wrightslaw"

4. New Memorandum From OSEP: Ending Social Promotion

1. New! "Creative Solutions Contest" From Wrightslaw

Some visitors to our site write about problems with their child's school. Other visitors write about their creative "win-win" solutions to school problems.

To SOLVE school problems, you must learn to think creatively. Don't allow yourself to get bogged down in anger, resentment, helplessness, and other negative emotions. Don't waste your energy debating about the unfairness of the situation.

(We know this is tough but this advice is the essence of our next book, FROM EMOTIONS TO ADVOCACY) )

Wrightslaw is sponsoring a CREATIVE SOLUTIONS CONTEST. Here is how it works:

First, read "The Problem" (link below)

If you have a Creative Solution that may help this parent solve her problem, send your Solution to

solutions | at | wrightslaw.com/

In the subject line of your email, write CREATIVE SOLUTIONS CONTEST #1

We will publish the winning "Creative Solutions" on the Wrightslaw site.

Now, here is the link to the Problem

2. New Letters To Wrightslaw

We receive hundreds of emails a week from people who have crises, questions and concerns. We hope you understand that we simply do not have enough time to answer most messages personally. We try to answer a few questions, then include these questions and our answers in The Special Ed Advocate newsletter.

Earlier this week, we heard from a school psychologist who expressed serious concerns about "Teachers Who Promote ADD"

At the same time, we read an article by the Associated Press about "Over-Diagnosis of ADD/ADHD" by medical doctors.

Click here for the link to the school psychologist’s letter, our response, and the AP article

3. Revising"Letters To Wrightslaw"

We have been revising the website, s-l-o-w-l-y, one area at a time. Recently, we turned our attention to the "Letters to Wrightslaw" section.

We are revising the section so letters are listed as they would be in an index (instead of by name and state). We hope this will make it easier for you to find information about your concerns and issues.

Click here for the new link to "Letters to Wrightslaw"

NOTE: The downside of revising a site is always "broken links." If you encounter a broken link or any other problem, drop the webmaster a note at

webmaster | at | wrightslaw.com


4. New Memorandum From OSEP: Ending Social Promotion

A few months ago, we included a letter from Guy McBride, a North Carolina school psychologist. In his letter, Guy warned about "a wave of retention's and educational policy that will damage the most vulnerable children and pit parents against educators."

Since we published Guy’s letter, the Office of Special Education issued a Memorandum "Taking Responsibility for Ending Social Promotion: A Guide for Educators and State and Local Leaders."

We have added the "Executive Summary" of this Memorandum to the Wrightslaw site. Here is a link to the Summary.

Click here to get the entire Memorandum about Ending Social Promotion


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Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 3rd Edition by Pete and Pam Wright
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Wrightslaw: All About IEPs
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Wrightslaw: All About Tests and Assessments
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Surviving Due Process: Stephen Jeffers v. School Board
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