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Wrightslaw Newsletter Archives - 1999

The Wrightslaw Libraries contain hundreds of articles, cases, Letters to Wrightslaw, and newsletters. 

The Advocacy Libraries are divided into four areas:

The 1999 Archives contains 34 newsletters. Please download, print and read them.

Newsletters published in 1998 

Newsletters published in 2000

Newsletters published in 2001

Newsletters published in 2002

Newsletters published in 2003

December 22, 1999 (Vol. 2, No 34) Holiday Message from Pete and Pam Wright; Progress Report for 1999, Plans for 2000; we need your help. 

December 17, 1999 (Vol. 2, No.33) Complaint in the Witte case; another Nevada school brutality case; the right to an "Impartial Due Process Hearing;" answers to questions about the Witte case.

December 13, 1999 (Vol. 2, No 32). New Advocacy Pak- Tactics & Strategy Manual; Mary had a "successful IEP" at last; recommended books

December 7, 1999 (Vol. 2, No. 31). Update on the Witte v. Clark County case; Wrightslaw announces new Tactics & Strategy Manual; new decision from 8th Circuit; check out our sitemap.

November 30, 1999 (Vol. 2, No 30). Discipline; NEW article about Functional Behavioral Assessments; New Letters from Wrightslaw about training for advocates, the school's obligations; advice about modifications for college kids and their families.

November 23, 1999 (Vol. 2, No. 28) New ABA case from Illinois; IDEA Compliance Report Delayed; new Tactics and Strategy section of bookstore opens; Wrightslaw projects and plans. 

November 11, 1999 (Vol. 2, No. 28). Transportation problems - how one parent group successfully challenged; PIER's OCR Complaint; Wrightslaw Creative Solutions Award goes to PIER .

November 9, 1999 (Vol. 2, No. 27) Special Anniversary Issue of Carter decision. Includes Oral Argument in Carter, Carter decisions, articles, Supreme Court links, update on Tactics and Strategy Manual; more. 

October 28, 1999 (Vol. 2, No. 26)  Special ed students and "passing grades"; research about grade inflation; confidentiality of IEPs; bad news from Boston; update on Advocacy Challenge Program. 

October 21, 1999 (Vol. 2, No. 25) "Inside Story of the Creative Solutions Contest" by Becky Milton; 3rd COPAA Conference in Houston; Advocacy Information. 

October 11, 1999 (Vol. 2, No. 24) . Eligibility of child with ADD/ADHD; states and IDEA compliance test; creative uses of Wrightslaw: Special Education Law; legal research, more. 

October 1, 1999 (Vol. 2, No. 23). "Word Banks and Calculators" - Pete answers questions about modifications and accommodations; IEP goals and objectives; what to do when you feel "polarized"; Feds Slam California - Again; new reviews of Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, more.

September 21, 1999 (Vol. 2, No. 22) New Reviews of "Wrightslaw: Special Education Law"; compensatory education; more legal resources; ChADD Conference; new organization in Missouri; Wrightslaw conference schedule. 

September 9, 1999 (Vol. 2, No. 21) Our New Creative Solutions Contest; Develop a Creative Solution to a Georgia Mom's Problem; new OSEP Memorandum about Ending Social Promotion; Letter to Wrightslaw - Is ADHD Over-Diagnosed?

September 2, 1999 (Vol. 2, No. 20) New Decision about "Vigorous Advocacy" by Parents (3rd Cir.); New Decision About Sovereign Immunity in IDEA, Section 504 cases (8th Cir.); Questions About IEPs; and more 

August 20, 1999 (Vol. 2, No. 19) New Decision from 8th Cir. in IDEA case; Join the Advocacy Challenge Program!

August 10, 1999 (Vol. 2, No. 18) The "Dr. Laura Debate" - Should Parents of Child with Autism "Dump" Child?" Scientific Treatments for Autism (Bibliography, References)

August 4, 1999 (Vol. 2, No. 17). Under pressure from feds, New York agrees to revamp special ed; 8th Circuit rules that Title II of ADA is unconstitutional; Reading programs based on research; Toll-free ordering for Wrightslaw: Special Education Law. 

July 31, 1999 (Vol. 2, No 16). Summer assignment for parents; Letter to Wrightslaw about "Retention Epidemic," OSEP releases guidance about new regs. 

July 28, 1999 (Vol. 2, No. 15). New York recommends ABA therapy for young autistic children; sneak preview of Wrightslaw: Special Education Law; more new links. 

July 15, 1999 (Vol. 2, No. 14) Revisions, upgrades, new links on Wrightslaw site; sales brisk for Wrightslaw: Special Education Law. 

July 5, 1999 (Vol. II, No. 13). Jury awards parents of autistic boy more than $300,000; Supreme Court decision in Olmstead; Santa Clara supervisors may sue their schools; more.

June 15, 1999 (Vol. II, No 12). Wrightslaw as antidode to isolation; problems with son's college; advocacy tips, more.

May 24, 1999 (Vol. II, No. 11). ADD/ADHD eligibility for special ed and Section 504; OSEP Memorandum about ADD/ADHD; Child suspended - what's a parent to do? New Tip about Parent IEP attachments, more. 

May 2, 1999 (Vol. II, No. 10). It's "IEP Time" with lots of new letters to Wrightslaw; links; Editors' Choice from the Bookstore. 

April 15, 1999 (Vol. II, No. 9). NY Bar appeals decision in Bartlett to U.S. Supreme Court; NC school psychologist issues warning about new retention policies that will harm children; new California study finds that autism increased nearly 300% in 10 years; Mary says is her security blanket.

April 5, 1999 (Vol. II, No. 8). Wrightslaw Progress, Wrightslaw Special Education Law; Update on Asbury case; More About Final IDEA Regs; Editor's Choice from Bookstore. 

March 3, 1999 (Vol. II, No. 7). Supreme Court issues decision in Cedar Rapids v. Garret F.; U. S. Department of Education Teleconference - Will Regs Be Delayed Again?

February 23, 1999 (Vol. II, No. 6). Wrightslaw Survey; Circuit Finder; Update on Garret F. case and IDEA Regs. 

February 9, 1999 (Vol. II, No. 5). New "Legal Research Primer;" Letter to Wrightslaw from Vermont Advocate about handling special ed case: "I take direction from Otis the Wonder Dog regarding the chase: If you do not plan and organize the pursuit, you are likely to wind up as road kill;" Letter from a Maryland Mom who is re-energized. 

Janaury 27, 1999 (Vol. II. No. 4) New Tactics & Strategy Article: The Original "Letter to the  Stranger;" Editor's Choice from Bookstore; News - Feds Say Final Regs Out  By Late Feb. 1999. 

January 25, 1999 (Vol. II, No. 3). New Decision from 4th Circuit in Erickson v. Baltimore (attorneys fees); Letter to Wrightslaw from Florida Mom about some lessons learned at due process hearing; No news from Supreme Court on Cedar Rapids case; request for help from Bombay. 

January 8, 1999 (Vol. II, No. 2). COPAA - Who, What, Where, Why, When?

January 6, 1999 (Vol. II, No. 1). Update on Wrightslaw Projects; Mass. Judge Rules for Learning Disabled Athlete; Lots of NEW Letters to the Webmaster. 

Newsletters published in 1998

Newsletters published in 2000

Newsletters published in 2001

Newsletters published in 2002

Newsletters published in 2003

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