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SOLD OUT! Virginia Beach, VA - November 12-13, 2004

The Wrightslaw Special Education Law and Advocacy Training Program is sponsored by Commonwealth Autism Service & the Autism Society of America Tidewater Chapter.

Old Dominion University, Virginia Beach Higher Education Center, Virginia Beach, VAThis program will be held at:

Virginia Beach Higher Education Center
1881 University Drive
Virginia Beach, VA 23456

Registration fee is $125.00

Register online today!

Download the registration form and send it in today!

For registration information, please call (800) 649-8481 or E-mail: information@autismva.org

The Virginia Bar has approved this conference for 9.0 credit hours.

Detailed Directions to the Virginia Beach Higher Education Center are below.

From ODU/Norfolk/Portsmouth
Take 264 East from Downtown Norfolk, Exit at Rosemont Road, Make a right onto Rosemont Road, Proceed 3.9 miles to University Drive, Make a right onto University Drive and VBHEC is on right.

Directions from Chesapeake
Take 64 West toward Hampton/Richmond, Exit onto southbound Indian River Road, Turn left onto Ferrell Parkway, Merge onto Princess Anne Road, Make a left onto University Drive and VBHEC

Directions From Virginia Beach
Take 264 West from the Oceanfront, Exit at Rosemont Road, Make a left onto Rosemont Road, Proceed 3.9 miles to University Drive, Make a right onto University Drive and VBHEC is on right.

Parking passes will be mailed to you with confirmation two weeks before the workshop.

A continental breakfast & Lunch will be included in the registration fee.

Norfolk International airport is about ten minutes away from the Virginia Beach Higher Education Center. Ground transportation is available from the airport. Click here for details.

Attractions - If you're landing in the Hampton Roads area for the first time, you're in for some pleasant surprises. Few metropolitan areas of the country boast the wide variety of attractions, natural wonders, historical sites and recreational and cultural opportunities that's available here in the Tidewater area. This page was specially designed to help you enjoy all that Hampton Roads has to offer, from transportation options to accommodations and attractions. Have a wonderful visit! http://www.norfolkairport.com/areainfo/index.html

Living the life – Virginia Beach style. All it takes is a willingness to put the real world on the back burner and the focus on the things that keep the fire inside you burning bright. And if you don’t get it right at first, remember, practice makes perfect. Like to live the life? Spend a few minutes exploring this website. Your true calling, your new favorite pastime, or your prescription to rejuvenation may be just clicks away. http://www.vbfun.com/vbfun_2003/index.asp

Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities

We built the Virginia Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities so people can get reliable information and support. The state Yellow Pages has many helpful resources - evaluators, educational consultants, academic tutors, support groups, grassroots organizations, advocates, attorneys and others who help parents get services for their children.

If you provide a service, sign up to be listed on the Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities - this is a free service from Wrightslaw.

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