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Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy
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Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy - The Special Education Survival Guide, 1st edition (ISBN 1-892320-08-8) by Pamela Wright and Peter Wright, published by Harbor House Law Press, was replaced by the new second edition in November, 2005. Wrightslaw:
From Emotions to Advocacy, 2nd Edition,
has been revised to reflect
changes in IDEA 2004 and No Child Left Behind. The second edition
includes information
about various tests that are used in evaluations - intellectual
or cognitive tests including the WISC-IV, educational achievement
tests, speech and language tests, and more. "A
superb reference, From Emotions To Advocacy
is very highly recommended reading for all parents of children in
need of adapted or special education services .. . Filled with tips,
tricks, and techniques and an immense wealth of resources, from
Internet sites and advocacy organizations to worksheets, forms,
and sample letters . . . " Midwest
Book Review From
Emotions to Advocacy (FETA) is more than a book! We built
the From Emotions to Advocacy site
at FetaWeb.com with articles,
checklists, directories, and other resources to supplement the book.
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l Discounts How
the Book is Organized Section
One: Getting Started.
Basic advocacy skills Section
Two: Advocacy 101.
Schools as bureaucracies and the rules of the game Section
Three: The Parent as Expert.
Why you must become an expert about your childs disability and
educational needs
Section Four: Special Education Law. In this
section, you will learn about: Section Five: Tactics and Strategies. In this section, you will learn about:
The Rules of Adverse Assumptions, proof and evidence,
and image and presentation Appendices
Appendix A to the special education regulations about IEPs, the parental
role, and transition Glossaries Wrightslaw:
Special Education Law
1-892320-03-7) by
Peter W. D. Wright and Pamela Darr Wright
is published by
Harbor House Law Press, Inc.